This short film, has been approved and received a short film fund from the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

19 Min 8 Sec
After the traumatic loss of his wife, Necip goes to their summer house with his daughter Özge. Their fresh start confronts a plumbing problem which seems ordinary. Soon after, Lokman -who claims to be the plumber and their friendly neighbour- shows up and everything gets more nonsensical, chaotic and obscure. Necip starts to embrace his past with every drop of the leaky pipe.
Cast: Emre MELEMEZ - Dilara MELAMİ - Deniz CELİLOĞLU - Gülşah BÜKTÜR - Utku ÖZDEMİR
Producer: Yiğit Serdar CANOĞLU
Writer & Director: Murat Arda GÜRSOY
Director of Photography: Ece LATİFAOĞLU
1st. Assistant Director: Cem MEYDANOĞLU
2nd. Assistant Director: Yahya Sefa EKİNCİ
Production Coordinator: Arda ARTUNER
Production Assistants: Batuhan GENCER & Doğu Su DÖNMEZ
Production Designer: Beril TAN
Set Dresser: Cansu YARIŞ
Gaffer: Oğuzhan GENÇTÜRK
1st. Assistant Camera: Ercan KİRSİZ
2nd. Assistant Camera: Furkan Enes ÖZTARSU
Costume Designers: Banu AKKALKAN & Ronya BOZOĞLAN
Hair & Make-up: İdil İNAN
Sound Technician: Vedat ÖZGEN
Boom Operator: Fatih Erdem GÜLER
Editing & Colorist: Yiğit Serdar CANOĞLU
Sound Designer: Eren DÖNMEZ
Composer: Can Bora TANZER (EVERSION)

Festival List
34. Ankara Film Festival, National Short Film Competition, Finalist. 2023- TURKEY
24th International Izmir Short Film Festival (Panorama Selection) 2023- TURKEY
10th International Uşak Short Film Festival, Finalist. 2023- TURKEY
44th IFSAK National Short and Documentary Film Festival. Finalist 2024- TURKEY
35th Munich Turkish Film Days. Screening 2024- GERMANY
3. Sultanbeyli International Short Film Festival, Finalist. 2023- TURKEY
4th Antep Short Film Festival, Finalist. 2023- TURKEY
7th Güzel Ordu Short Film Festival, Finalist. 2023- TURKEY
10th Egeart Short Film Competition, Finalist. 2023- TURKEY
6th Red Movie Awards, Finalist. 2023- FRANCE
4th Monza Film Fest, Honorable Mention. 2023- ITALY
6th Absurd Film Festival, Finalist. 2023- ITALY